Sunday, September 21, 2008

With a little help from our fans...

Warehouse rocked fairly hard last night. It was great to shake the ring rust off so easily; Buster Douglas would have been proud.

We even had an impromptu opening act. Passenger Creek was fantastic. You'll see them around town very soon...17 years old or not. They did two Chili Peppers covers. Before you roll your eyes...they were spot-freaking-on, note for note. So worth it. Couldn't tell you the last time I heard a band cover them.

Fun was had, and we appreciate everyone who came out and stayed way too late. For the first gig in 4 months, I was satisfied. We didn't lose a step. Well, we totally did...but it was like a two left feet kind of ol' soft shoe (props given for still doing a soft shoe, even if it's sub par). We had some competition with Jazz o' da Lawn, and Bikers Who Scare or Toyz for Trollz or some other worthy cause.

I'll comb through some video footage and post some clips...and we'll pick an Ultimate Fan winner and post him/her soon. Tough competition...we had some...dancers...all night.
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