Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sup all, had a few moments to blog and stuff.

The best laid plans my girl and I had today fell apart. You see, we had a friend getting married in a small family situation and we were hoping to stand outside the church secretly videotaping and then sending it to them as a perverted present... but those kind of plans fall apart when you essentially nap through it. By the way, they'll probably read this so the plan is double-spoiled now.

On the plus side, got the Halloween costume almost complete, and a week from now I should be accurately portraying the video game character even dead grandparents know. Makes me wish we had a Halloween show to play.

Speaking of grandma, this video really speaks to me and my former electronics department store days:

The only difference in this is that the lady is actually making an effort. Most days I would have to change the batteries in remote controls and cameras, change 35mm film (yeah, I'm old too), and ensure them that VCR's don't record them sitting on the couch and sending it to Communist Russia.

Once again, friendly reminder that we'll be playing Brunie's Bar and Grill on November 8 at 7:30PM, located on the newly christened Strawberry Alley (wtf, Legion Street) in Clarksville. We'll be cramming 3 or 4 guitars, drums, keyboard, and maybe even a KazooKeylele.

...OK, I don't have a kazookeylele. Goddamn if only I did.

1 comment:

D-Lo said...

I love that video so much. It really does remind you of retail.

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