Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Challenge You To Challenge Me (to Barrack Harder Than We)

From the 'way back machine,' here's the NonPros and Ben Wilson performing @ The Front Page in Clarksville. I'm pretty sure this was September 15th, 2007.

Some boring history on the show: The Deli pays very (VERY) little, and we played specifically to play with we took advantage of as much free booze as we could. The Deli gives you absolutely no incentive to want to perform there, besides their stigma of being "the only place in town to perform." From the sound of things this was the final song of the evening, which would mean it's about 1:30 a.m. I'll comb through the tape to see if there's a better performance from that night (I remember it being a pretty well received show by those in attendance).

Anyway...I Challenge You will be a featured track on the upcoming NonPros CD. So, here's a half-assed preview.

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